
  1. Animals

    Elephant shrews are, oddly, related to actual elephants

    A new species in the group is the smallest yet, with adults smaller than a newborn kitten.

  2. Animals

    New water bear species found in Antarctica

    A tiny creature called a tardigrade could shed light on how animals reached the far southern continent.

  3. Life

    Gecko adhesion takes electric turn

    Challenging a favored theory, measurements suggest that electrostatic interactions make gecko feet supersticky.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Yet another reason to hate ticks

    Ticks are tiny disease-carrying parasites that should also be classified as venomous animals, a new study argues.

  5. Animals

    Dead-ant wall protects young spider wasps

    Bone-house wasps probably use a barrier of deceased insects to guard against predators.

  6. Animals

    Mantis shrimp tune their eyes with sunscreen

    Blocking some rays in just the right way creates six ways of actually seeing ultraviolet light.

  7. Animals

    Red kangaroo’s tail acts like a fifth leg

    Red kangaroos wield their tails like another limb when moving slowly.

  8. Ecosystems

    Invasive insect tied to shrinking river

    A river in North Carolina shrank after a hemlock woolly adelgid eradicated eastern hemlock trees in the region.

  9. Life

    Near reefs, microbial mix dictated by coral and algae

    A reef’s dominant organism, coral or algae, may determine what kind of bacteria live there.

  10. Animals

    Emperor penguin population could decline by 2100

    Emperor penguins’ reign over Antarctic sea ice could be in decline by the beginning of the 22nd century.

  11. Animals

    Why great white shark sightings are good news

    Conservation measures implemented in the 1990s halted a decline in great white sharks in the Atlantic.

  12. Animals

    To ID birds, try facial recognition

    Improve your backyard birding using facial recognition software.
