
  1. Animals

    In emergencies, fire ants get lots of grips to form rafts

    First look inside fire ant architecture shows how lots of leg grips assemble rafts, bridges and balls.

  2. Animals

    Mosses hitch rides on the wings of birds

    Seeds may travel from far north to south hidden in the feathers of migratory birds.

  3. Life

    Genetic mutation quenches quantum quirk in algae

    Studying algae that can and cannot use quantum coherence to harvest light could lead to better organic solar cells and quantum-based electronic devices.

  4. Animals

    Swimming evolved several times in treetop ants

    Certain ants living in tropical forest canopies turn out to be fine swimmers.

  5. Animals


    Readers discuss mammal milk, ancient human genetics and hand washing techniques.

  6. Animals

    It’s hard being a sea otter mom

    The energy requirements of lactation may explain why some female sea otters abandon their young.

  7. Life

    Dinos straddled line between cold- and warm-blooded

    Tyrannosaurus rex and other dinosaurs straddled line between cold- and warm-blood, a new analysis finds.

  8. Life

    California mite becomes fastest land animal

    Despite being the size of a sesame seed, the Paratarsotomus macropalpis mite can outpace Usain Bolt and even a cheetah in terms of body lengths per second.

  9. Neuroscience

    Crayfish get anxious, too

    After receiving a shock, crayfish act anxious, avoiding brightly lit areas.

  10. Animals

    Look beyond pest species to find beauty in cockroaches

    A few pest species give the group a bad name, but exotic roaches include an amazing diversity of colors and lifestyles.

  11. Animals

    See your lawn through a bird’s eyes with YardMap

    A new web tool lets you map your outdoor spaces and wildlife habitat, helping scientists understand how birds use urban and suburban spaces.

  12. Animals

    Ant sperm swim as a team

    The desert ant has sperm that swim in bundles for extra speed, perhaps increasing their likelihood of fertilizing an egg.
