
  1. Ecosystems

    Dam demolition lets the Elwha River run free

    Removing a dam involves more than impressive explosions. Releasing a river like Washington state's Elwha transforms the landscape and restores important pathways for native fish.

  2. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.

  3. Animals

    Bees, up close and personal

    A photo archive from the U.S. Geological Survey's Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab offers detailed photos of bee species.

  4. Animals

    China’s reindeer are on the decline

    A small, semi-domesticated population of reindeer found in northern China is suffering due to threats ranging from inbreeding to tourism.

  5. Animals

    Rock ants favor left turns in unfamiliar crevices

    Rock ants’ bias for turning left in mazes, a bit like handedness in people, may reflect different specializations in the halves of their nervous system.

  6. Animals

    The scent of a worry

    The smell of fear makes other rats stressed. Now, scientists have isolated the Eau de Terror that lets rats communicate their concerns.

  7. Genetics

    The year in genomes

    From the tiny Antarctic midge to the towering loblolly pine, scientists this year cracked open a variety of genetic instruction manuals to learn about some of Earth’s most diverse inhabitants.

  8. Life

    Bird flu follows avian flyways

    A deadly bird flu virus spreads along wildfowl migration routes in Asia.

  9. Animals

    Starving mantis females lie to make a meal of a male

    When in desperate straits, a female false garden mantid turns into a femme fatale, emitting false chemical cues that lures in a male to eat.

  10. Animals

    It’s bat vs. bat in aerial jamming wars

    In nighttime flying duels, Mexican free-tailed bats make short, wavering sirenlike sounds that jam each other’s sonar.

  11. Animals

    Lucky break documents warbler tornado warning

    Warblers fitted with data collecting devices for other reasons reveal early and extreme measures when dodging April’s tornado outbreak.

  12. Animals

    Crows may be able to make analogies

    Crows with little training pass a lab test for analogical reasoning that requires matching similar or different icons.
