
  1. Plants

    Beetle RNA makes crops a noxious meal

    When beetles munch plants bearing their RNA, genes the bugs need to survive are turned off.

  2. Neuroscience

    Bees may merge their flower memories

    Bumblebees sometimes prefer fake flowers with the combined patterns and colors of ones seen before, suggesting they merge memories of past experiences.

  3. Animals

    Some cicadas drum up a beat with the help of their wings

    By using their wings as drumsticks, so-called “mute” cicadas can make themselves heard.

  4. Life

    The eyes have it: Long lashes not so lovely

    Eyelashes can’t be too short or too long without ruining their aerodynamic protection.

  5. Animals

    Where an ant goes when it’s gotta go

    Scientists found black garden ants defecating in certain spots inside their nests. The researchers say these spots serve as ant toilets.

  6. Animals

    Five surprising animals that play

    No one is shocked to find playful behavior in a cat, dog or other mammal. But scientists have documented play in plenty of other species, including reptiles and insects.

  7. Animals

    Flamboyant old bustards keep showing off

    Among outrageously flirtatious birds called houbara bustards, old males may pay a penalty for years of extreme display.

  8. Animals

    Ocean animals have bulked up since ancient eras

    Marine animals today are much larger on average than they were in the Cambrian Period.

  9. Ecosystems

    Bluebird moms inadvertently fuel wars between species

    Extra hormones delivered to eggs holding sons in tough times end up driving one bluebird species to chase off another

  10. Animals

    Cliff swallow breeding thwarted by bird version of bedbugs

    A 30-year study of cliff swallows in Nebraska finds that the birds will abandon nests, rather than have a second brood, when their homes are infested with swallow bugs.

  11. Ecosystems

    Fooled you! Whirling tails of luna moths deflect bat attacks

    Luna moths can use their tails to reflect the echolocation pings of bats, tricking the predators into striking the tails instead of less expendable body parts.

  12. Genetics

    For penguins, it’s a matter of no taste

    Penguins lack taste genes for bitter, sweet and umami.
