
  1. Life

    It’s true: Butterfly spots can mimic scary eyes

    Contrary to recent studies, the old notion that butterfly wing eyespots evoke predator eyes may not be so old-fashioned after all.

  2. Paleontology

    Brontosaurus deserves its name, after all

    Brontosaurus belongs in a genus separate from Apatosaurus, a new study proposes.

  3. Animals

    Distinct voices fill the fish soundscape at night

    Researchers find that fish sound frequencies overlap more during the day and are more distinct at night.

  4. Animals

    Mouse mates with similar personalities start families faster

    Among monogamous mound-building mice, the more closely mates match in a tendency toward anxiety, the sooner they start having babies

  5. Animals

    Eggs and other land foods won’t feed polar bears

    Polar bears will not be able to survive on land by eating birds, eggs and vegetation, a new review concludes.

  6. Animals

    ‘Domesticated’ explores how humans have altered animals

    Science journalist Richard Francis delves into the genetic changes humans have caused in dogs, cats, pigs, horses, camels and more.

  7. Animals

    ‘The Last Unicorn’ takes readers on quest to see a saola

    Nature writer William deBuys introduces readers to the enigmatic saola of Southeast Asia.

  8. Oceans

    UV light reveals hidden patterns on seashell fossils

    Under UV light, fossil seashell color patterns glow, a researcher finds.

  9. Animals

    Fossilized seashells’ true colors revealed

    To the naked eye, fossilized seashells lack the colorful patterns of their living counterparts. But ultraviolet light can reveal some of their unique hues.

  10. Animals

    Heat makes scuttling tarantulas less coordinated

    On hot days, tarantula run faster, but their may be harder to bend and flex at high speeds, researchers find.

  11. Animals

    How human activities may be creating coywolves

    Endangered red wolves will mate with coyotes when their partners are killed, which often happens because of human activities, a new study finds.

  12. Animals

    Songbird crosses the Atlantic in a nonstop flight

    Using light-sensing geolocators, researchers confirm an iconic songbird’s impressive transoceanic migration.
