
  1. Animals

    Wealth of cephalopod research lost in a 19th century shipwreck

    Nineteenth-century scientist Jeanne Villepreux-Power sent her research papers and equipment on a ship that sank off the coast of France, submerging years’ worth of observations on cephalopods.

  2. Animals

    Wild dogs cause problems for people in Nepal

    The endangered dhole has a reputation for killing livestock, but its taste for blue sheep could also be an issue, a new study finds.

  3. Animals

    These birds provide their own drum beat

    Male Java sparrows use bill clicks in their songs, which they learn from their dads.

  4. Genetics

    Ancient DNA pushes back timing of the origin of dogs

    DNA extracted from the fossil of an ancient wolf indicates dogs and wolves diverged longer ago than previously thought.

  5. Animals

    Octopuses can ‘see’ with their skin

    Eyes aren’t the only cephalopod body parts with light-catching molecules.

  6. Animals

    Rising temperatures may cause problems for cold-blooded critters

    Ectotherms cannot easily handle extreme temperatures, a new study finds.

  7. Animals

    Crows safeguard sticks to speed future food-finding forays

    New Caledonian crows safeguard the sticks they use to find food. As the risk of losing the tool increases, the more protective the birds become.

  8. Animals

    Pandas’ gut bacteria resemble carnivores’

    Unlike other vegetarians, the bamboo eaters lack plant-digesting microbes.

  9. Animals

    Vampire squid take mommy breaks

    The vampire squid again defies its sensationalist name with a life in the slow lane.

  10. Life

    Male stag beetles face weighty problem for flight

    Male stag beetles need enormous mandibles to fend off other males and find a mate, but computer simulations show that the giant jaws make running and flying very difficult.

  11. Psychology

    Quantity counts for baboons

    Counting-like logic helps baboons track and compare accumulating sets of peanuts.

  12. Animals

    A summer challenge: Observe nature

    Opportunities for observing nature are plentiful, no matter where you live.
