
  1. Genetics

    Roosters run afoul of genetic rules

    Moms aren’t always the only ones that pass mitochondrial DNA to offspring, a study of chickens finds.

  2. Animals

    Male monkeys go rouge for mating season

    Bright red lip color separates players from bachelors during monkey mating season.

  3. Life

    For water bears, the glass is all full

    When dried, water bears turn into glass.

  4. Animals

    Algal toxin impairs sea lion memory

    California sea lions that have brain damage linked to domoic acid poisoning have impaired spatial memory, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Year in review: Woes of artificial lighting add up for wildlife

    Studies published this year add dodging death, flirting and mothering to the tasks that artificial light can discombobulate in wild animals.

  6. Animals

    Year in review: New dates, place proposed for dogs’ beginnings

    This year’s dog research suggested older origins and a new location of domestication for man's best friend.

  7. Life

    Science explains what makes dogs such sloppy drinkers

    There’s hidden precision in the splashy mess of a dog drinking.

  8. Animals

    Forgetful male voles more likely to wander from mate

    Poor memory linked to a hormone receptor in the brain could make male prairie voles more promiscuous.

  9. Animals

    New movie asks viewers to care about whale hunters. Will they?

    A new movie tells the tale of sailors shipwrecked by a whale. But it’s hard to feel sorry for the people trying to kill the animal.

  10. Animals

    Some warblers make their long winter migration even longer

    Blackpoll warblers in western North America head east to fatten up before their transoceanic migration.

  11. Animals

    Playful pups conceived via in vitro fertilization for the first time

    Scientists have solved the mystery of how to perform in vitro fertilization in dogs, which could help rid canines of heritable diseases.

  12. Animals

    Water bears’ genetic borrowing questioned

    A new analysis of tardigrade DNA suggests that water bears don’t swap many genes with other organisms after all.
