Science News Magazine:
Vol. 163 No. #10Trustworthy journalism comes at a price.
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More Stories from the March 8, 2003 issue
Grave surprise rises in Jamestown fort
Excavations in the 17th-century fort at Jamestown, Va., have yielded a grave containing the skeleton of a high-ranking male colonist.
By Bruce Bower -
Health & Medicine
Why beer may deter blood clots
Downing a beer a day alters the structure of fibrinogen, a blood protein active in clotting.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Portrait of a cancer drug at work
Newly revealed protein structures show how a breast cancer drug functions.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
Pregnancy Woe Uncovered: Protein may underlie preeclampsia
New evidence links a placental protein to preeclampsia symptoms and may lead to new ways of detecting and treating the disease.
Health & Medicine
Miscarriages foretell heart trouble
Women who spontaneously lose one or more fetuses during early pregnancy are about 50 percent more likely than other women to later suffer ischemic heart disease.
By Ben Harder -
Feline Finding: Mutations produce black house cats, jaguars
Mutations in two different genes, which lead to black fur in house cats, jaguars, and jaguarundis, may have protected the black felines from an epidemic long ago.
By John Travis -
Doctoral seesaw
Throughout most of the 1990s, the number of doctoral degrees that U.S. universities awarded in science and engineering climbed steadily, to 27,300 in 1998, but by 2001, the number had dropped to 25,500, the lowest number since 1993.
By Janet Raloff -
Cosmic Doomsday Scenario: Phantom energy would trigger the Big Rip
According to a new model, the universe may end with a Big Rip—every galaxy, star, planet, molecule, and atom torn asunder and the cosmos ceasing to exist some 21 billion years from now.
By Ron Cowen -
Health & Medicine
Light could be therapy against blindness
Beaming red light at rats soon after they've drunk methanol partially protects their eyes against that chemical's blinding effects.
By Ben Harder -
Death of a pioneer
Pioneer 10, the first spacecraft to reach the fringes of the solar system, appears to have sent its last feeble signal to Earth on Jan. 22.
By Ron Cowen -
Health & Medicine
Ulcer Clue? Molecule could be key to stomach ailment
A protein called Ptprz binds with a bacterial toxin to produce ulcers in mice, possibly revealing a mechanism for the disorder.
By Nathan Seppa -
Slippin’ Slide: Glaciers surge after ice shelf collapses
Five of the six large glaciers that once fed into Antarctica's Larsen A ice shelf have sped up significantly since that floating ice mass collapsed and drifted away in January 1995.
By Sid Perkins -
Working Out: Welfare reform hasn’t changed kids so far
A study conducted among low-income families in three states suggests that the emotional health and academic skills of preschoolers and young adolescents don't suffer when their mothers move off welfare and into the workforce.
By Bruce Bower -
Health & Medicine
Blood sugar processing tied to brain problems
Elderly people with slightly elevated blood sugar are more likely to have short-term memory problems than those with normal blood sugar.
By Nathan Seppa -
Materials Science
Making Polymers That Self-Destruct: Layers break apart in controlled way
A new polymer film chews itself apart under certain conditions, making it a potential candidate for the controlled delivery of therapeutic drugs.
Watching the Big Wheelers: In sea of cars, trucks reveal traffic flow
A new way to sense traffic jams more quickly tracks the motion of trucks within the overall traffic flow.
By Peter Weiss -
Spring Forward
Scientists who study biological responses to seasonal and climatic changes have noted that the annual cycles for many organisms are beginning earlier on average, as global temperatures rise.
By Sid Perkins -
Health & Medicine
When Drinking Helps
Sometimes a nip of alcohol can indeed prove therapeutic, though usually not until middle age.
By Janet Raloff