Vol. 166 No. #7
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More Stories from the August 14, 2004 issue

  1. Worm to elephant: New genome targets

    The National Human Genome Research Institute has released a list of 18 wildly different creatures as targets for genome sequencing.

  2. Planetary Science

    Meteorites quickly reach Earth

    Fragments from collisions between large bodies in the asteroid belt can reach Earth in as little as 100,000 years.

  3. Health & Medicine

    HIV drugs may stop cervical disease

    A drug combination given to people with HIV, the AIDS virus, helps knock out precancerous cervical lesions in some women.

  4. Planetary Science

    The sound of rings

    When Cassini reached Saturn on June 30, it twice dashed through a gap in the planet's rings, and onboard science instruments recorded a flurry of ring dust harmlessly striking the spacecraft.

  5. Mechanism suggested for Guam illness

    A research team has invoked protein chemistry to propose a solution to a long-standing neuroscience mystery in Guam.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Severe sweating treated with Botox

    A new treatment has been approved for excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, which is surprisingly common.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Old-fashioned circumcision can spread herpes

    Boys whose ritual circumcisions involve an ancient, and now rare, practice may acquire herpes during the operation.

  8. Paleontology

    Growth Spurt: Teenage tyrannosaurs packed on the pounds

    Detailed analyses of tyrannosaur fossils suggest that the creatures experienced an extended growth spurt during adolescence.

  9. Glowing Trio under the Sea: Nitrogen fixer joins algae inside coral

    A coral that fluoresces orange appears to be the first ever found to contain a symbiotic microbe that converts nitrogen into a biologically useful form.

  10. Earth

    Protecting Baby: Calcium in pregnancy reduces lead exposure

    By taking calcium supplements during pregnancy, a mother can significantly reduce the lead exposure of her fetus.

  11. Astronomy

    One of Hubble’s Tools Fails: Observatory loses a sharp ultraviolet eye

    With the failure last week of an instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have lost their only sharp ultraviolet eye on the universe.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Curbing Allergy to Insect Venom: Therapy stops reactions to stings years later

    Some children don't outgrow an allergy to insect stings, but immunizations against such allergies can protect them into adulthood.

  13. Health & Medicine

    Joint Effort: Bacteria in yogurt combat arthritis in rats

    Yogurt containing certain types of live bacteria may help prevent or treat arthritis.

  14. Materials Science

    Savvy Sieve: Carbon nanotubes filter petroleum, polluted water

    A filter made out of carbon nanotubes has potential for such applications as processing crude oil and decontaminating drinking water.

  15. Don’t Let the Bugs Bite

    Using disease-control strategies based on genetic engineering, scientists are working to counter Chagas' disease, malaria, sleeping sickness, and other insectborne infections.

  16. To Err Is Human

    Two researchers have issued a blunt critique of what they see as a misguided emphasis on immoral behaviors and mental flaws in many social psychology studies.

  17. Humans

    Letters from the August 14, 2004, issue of Science News

    It’s a groove thing I don’t want to downplay genuine discovery, but your story about optically reading old records left me a little underwhelmed (“Groovy Pictures: Extracting sound from images of old audio recordings,” SN: 5/29/04, p. 339: Groovy Pictures: Extracting sound from images of old audio recordings). The optical playing of records has been […]
