Vol. 167 No. #18
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More Stories from the April 30, 2005 issue

  1. Paleontology

    Early mammal had newfangled fangs

    A tiny mammal that lived in Colorado about 150 million years ago had hollow teeth that lacked enamel, a characteristic that didn't reappear in mammals for another 100 million years.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Licorice ingredient ferrets out herpes

    A compound in licorice homes in on lab-grown cells infected with a herpes virus and induces them to self-destruct.

  3. Many cyanobacteria make a neurotoxin

    A brain-damaging toxin, once believed to come only from a group of tropical plants and their live-in microbes, turns out to be much more widespread.

  4. Health & Medicine

    When the stomach gets low on acid

    A study in mice shows that a shortage of stomach acid can lead to cancer, apparently as a result of bacterial overgrowth and inflammation.

  5. Planetary Science

    Far-out science

    New measurements show that the planetoid Sedna spins more rapidly than earlier observations had suggested.

  6. When opposites don’t attract

    The quirks of two kinds of European corn borers are giving researchers a way to study how a single species might split in two.

  7. Earth

    Oysters under siege: Heat and pollution

    With global warming, some polluted waters could become graveyards for certain shellfish.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Zinc boosts kids’ learning

    Zinc fortification improved mental skills in children with normal healthy diets, suggesting that the recommended intake for this mineral may need to be raised.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Neuron Savers: Gene therapy slows Alzheimer’s disease

    Putting extra copies of the gene for a cellular growth factor into the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease appears to slow the degenerative condition.

  10. Losing Sleep: Mutant flies need less shut-eye

    The ability to get by on little sleep may have a strong genetic component, according to a new study in fruit flies.

  11. Agriculture

    Insecticide Inside: Gene-modified rice cuts chemical spraying in China

    In the hands of Chinese farmers, varieties of rice genetically modified to fend off insects reduce pesticide use and increase crop yields.

  12. Chemistry

    The Proper Popper: Corn kernel’s chemistry is key to its ka-pop

    The secret to better popcorn popping is the crystalline structure of the kernel's hull.

  13. Earth

    Bed of Armor: Large rocks hold fast in flooding streams

    The relative proportions of rocks of various sizes in gravel-lined streams remain constant, even during substantial floods.

  14. Astronomy

    Shell of a finding

    A new X-ray portrait of a supernova remnant suggests that this shell of hot gas may be hard to discern if the interstellar medium around the exploded star has extremely low density.

  15. Ecosystems

    Where Tuna Go: Atlantic fish mix for feeding, not spawning

    The largest high-tech tag study yet of Atlantic bluefin tuna suggests that two groups mix on feeding grounds but spawn on opposite sides of the ocean.

  16. Goal-Oriented Brain Cells: Neurons may track action as a prelude to empathy

    Nerve cells located toward the back of a monkey's brain appear to assist in discerning the goals of specific actions.

  17. Read All about It

    Brain studies and cross-cultural investigations indicate that the neural path to becoming a good reader varies, depending on a person's inherent capacity for assessing print and on the design principles of his or her native writing system.

  18. Planetary Science

    The Huygens Chronicles

    After several months of painstaking work analyzing data from the Huygens probe, planetary scientists are able to see the surface of Saturn's moon Titan in greater detail than ever before.

  19. Humans

    Letters from the April 30, 2005, issue of Science News

    Supplemental information Vitamin E Loses Luster: Nutrient tests show disappointing results” (SN: 3/19/05, p. 182) is the fourth time I’ve seen a report that vitamin E may not be appropriate for elderly people at cardiac risk. Detailed statistics are always given, but one fact is always omitted: what type of vitamin E was used in […]
