Search Results for: seek

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5,016 results
  1. Anthropology

    The Stone Masters

    Investigations of modern-day expert and novice craftsmen of stone tools and decorative stone beads offer insights into the making of stone implements thousands and perhaps even millions of years ago.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Federal Government Launches Organic Standards

    Though for decades some foods have carried the label “organic,” consumers never could be sure exactly what the term meant. Action by the Department of Agriculture last week should clarify things. USDA USDA On Oct. 21, USDA implemented regulations governing the production and labeling of organic foods. Until now, bodies from state governments to trade […]

  3. Materials Science

    The New Cavity Fighters

    Novel products could lead to fewer dates with the drill.

  4. Anthrax genomes compared for terrorism clues

    Investigators seeking clues to last fall's anthrax attack have analyzed the genome of the anthrax bacterium.

  5. Math

    Five-Suit Decks, Traffic-Jam Puzzles, and Other Treats

    Tired of playing the same old card games with the same old cards? One option is to expand the deck to include five suits instead of just four. To solve this difficult Rush Hour puzzle, you must move vehicles out of the way to permit the red car to exit at right. The best known […]

  6. Computing

    Pictures Only a Computer Could Love

    New, unconventional lenses shape scenes into pictures for computers, not people, so that computer-equipped microscopes, cameras, and other optical devices can see more with less.

  7. Astronomy

    Visible Matter: Once lost but now found

    New observations confirm that most of the visible matter in the universe lies hidden in vast, hard-to-detect gas clouds between galaxies.

  8. Raising Trust

    Some forager groups may nurture a sharing sense in their offspring.

  9. Essence of g

    New efforts to probe the biology of intelligence stir up a long-running controversy over what mental tests actually measure.

  10. Computing

    Finding networks within networks

    A new mathematical procedure, or algorithm, picks out those members within a larger network—for instance, related sites on the World Wide Web—that have especially close ties.

  11. The Eyes Have It: Newborns prefer faces with a direct gaze

    Only a few days after birth, babies already home in on faces that fix them with a direct gaze and devote less attention to faces with eyes that look to one side.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Transplant Triumph: Cloned cow kidneys thrive for months

    Cow kidneys and other tissue made by cloning ward off immune rejection after transplantation into cows.
