Search Results for: seek

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5,033 results

5,033 results for: seek

  1. Health & Medicine

    AIDS Vaccine Tests Well in Monkeys

    An experimental AIDS vaccine bolstered with two immune proteins protects rhesus monkeys from the disease even when they are exposed to a combination of simian and human immunodeficiency virus.

  2. Animals

    Single singing male toad seeks same

    Male spadefoot toads of the Spea multiplicata species evaluate male competitors by the same criterion females use.

  3. Astronomy

    Dark Doings

    A slew of new and proposed experiments, ranging from the cosmic to the subatomic scale, may shed light on why the expansion of the universe is speeding up.

  4. Humans

    Science Revalued: Report seeks revived Smithsonian science

    A long-awaited report on science at the Smithsonian Institution calls urgently for more funding and also recommends preservation of beseiged materials-research center.

  5. Don’t Let the Bugs Bite

    Using disease-control strategies based on genetic engineering, scientists are working to counter Chagas' disease, malaria, sleeping sickness, and other insectborne infections.

  6. Tailoring Therapies: Cloned human embryo provides stem cells

    Scientists have for the first time carried test-tube cloning of a human embryo to the stage at which it can yield stem cells.

  7. Earth

    POPs treaty enacted

    A new United Nations treaty that seeks to phase down or eliminate production and use of 16 persistent, toxic pollutants has gone into effect.

  8. Heat-Seeking Missiles: Sperm may follow rising temperature to egg

    In a process called thermotaxis, sperm cells may use a temperature gradient in the fallopian tubes to find their way to an unfertilized egg.

  9. Widows show third-year rebound

    Women whose husbands die largely overcome their grief-related problems, including depression and social isolation, by about 3 years after their loss, according to a national study.

  10. To Err Is Human

    Two researchers have issued a blunt critique of what they see as a misguided emphasis on immoral behaviors and mental flaws in many social psychology studies.

  11. Tech

    Smart dust can swarm target

    Microscopic mirrors can swarm a target and produce an optical signal that identifies the target to the observer.

  12. Quite a Switch

    Cells use ribonucleic acids that bind to small molecules such as vitamins to control gene activity.
