Search Results for: seek
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5,038 results for: seek
Early farmers crop up in Jordan
An ancient site discovered in southern Jordan dating back more than 9,000 years may help to illuminate the origins of farming in the Middle East.
By Bruce Bower -
Hints emerge of a four-quark particle
Previously observed only in twos, threes, and perhaps in fives, quarks and antiquarks in a newfound particle may have glommed together to form a never-before-seen foursome.
By Peter Weiss -
Health & Medicine
Drug fails in autism study
In the most extensive test so far of its capability to treat autism, the controversial drug secretin has failed to help children with the neurological disorder.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
A Guggul Prescription for Drug Interactions
Herbal supplements made from myrrh compounds trigger biochemical reactions that can diminish the efficacy of many other prescription drugs an individual might be taking.
By Janet Raloff -
Groovy Pictures: Extracting sound from images of old audio recordings
To preserve songs and words on antique vinyl records and wax cylinders, a new scanning technique maps their grooves, then simulates a stylus moving along those contours to extract high-quality sound.
By Peter Weiss -
Frankenstein’s Chips
As evidence mounts that drug-safety trials can miss dangerous effects, scientists are building living, miniature models of animals and people to enhance drug and chemical tests.
By Peter Weiss -
Waste Not: Proteins suggest ways to thwart muscle loss
Researchers have now revealed details of the biochemical signals that drive muscle atrophy.
By John Travis -
This article could leave the impression that the evolutionary significant unit (ESU) is the de facto concept employed for all listing decisions under the Endangered Species Act. In fact, the ESU has not been used in the vast majority of recent listing decisions under the act. Nor should it be. The act allows the National […]
By Science News -
Remnants of the Past
Sophisticated analyses suggest that some prehistoric peoples were highly skilled weavers.
Photon Double Whammy: Careening electrons may rev up solar cells
A newfound cue ball effect in nanometer-scale crystals of a semiconductor compound may lead to highly efficient solar cells made from such nanocrystals.
By Peter Weiss -
Do Antibodies Pack a Deadly Punch?
These immune molecules may directly kill, not just tag, microbes.
By John Travis