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5,038 results for: seek
Health & Medicine
Mexican Americans face stroke risk
Middle-aged Mexican Americans face twice the stroke risk that non-Hispanic whites do.
By Nathan Seppa -
When the Chips are Down
Scientists seek alternatives to a computer technology nearing its limits.
By Laura Sivitz -
Seeing Past the Dirt
Increasingly, researchers are using geophysical techniques such as ground-penetrating radar and magnetometers to target their excavations.
By Sid Perkins -
Quantum dots light up cancer cells in mice
Brightly fluorescent crystals known as quantum dots have the potential to seek out cancerous cells in the body, a trick that could lead to highly precise cancer screening.
Health & Medicine
A Matter of Time
Some patients are diagnosed with severe heart attacks in or near hospitals that can't offer them the best treatment, but is emergency transport to a better-equipped facility worth the delay?
By Ben Harder -
Seek and Destroy: Virus attacks cancer, spares normal cells
A virus carried by mosquitoes naturally homes in on cancer cells and destroys them.
By John Travis -
Separate Vacations: Birds winter apart but return in sync
Mated pairs of black-tailed godwits may fly off to winter refuges a thousand kilometers apart but can still arrive back at their breeding site the next spring within a few days of each other.
By Susan Milius -
From the October 20, 1934, issue
Searching New York's East River for golden treasure, enormous canyon discovered in Mexico, and new radioactive elements predicted.
By Science News -
New accord targets long-lived pollutants
Negotiators drafted an agreement to ban or phase out some of the world's most persistent and toxic pollutants.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Alzheimer’s Advance: Omega-3 fatty acid benefits mice
A diet that includes a key omega-3 fatty acid found in fish prevents some memory loss in mice that develop a disease resembling Alzheimer's.
By Nathan Seppa -
Radio transmitters broadcasting from imploding buildings are informing engineers about how such collapses disrupt radio communications and how rescuers might overcome those disruptions.
By Peter Weiss -
Health & Medicine
Scanning Risk: Whole-body CT exams may increase cancer
Adults who routinely get whole-body CT scans without medical cause are exposing themselves to doses of radiation that may increase their risk of dying from cancer.