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5,038 results for: seek
Health & Medicine
Mouth cancer data faked, journal says
A study by a Norwegian researcher claiming that anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the risk of mouth cancer in smokers was based on faked data.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
A New Bible for Eating Well
The Institute of Medicine has just summarized in a new book 5,000 pages of comprehensive nutrition guidelines issued over the past decade.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Blood, Iron, and Gray Hair
Recent findings show that anemia is exceedingly common in elderly people and link the condition to severe health problems, including accelerated physical and mental decline and a shorter life span.
By Ben Harder -
Health & Medicine
Salad Doubts
Researchers are looking into new ways to sanitize harvested produce and prevent foodborne pathogens from infecting people.
The Predator’s Gaze
A new wave of research is trying to untangle the origins and nature of psychopathy, a personality style characterized by a lack of conscience, empathy, or guilt that attracts intense interest from the legal system.
By Bruce Bower -
Dashing Rogues
Rogue waves, which tower over the waves that surround them, are probably more common than scientists had previously suspected.
By Sid Perkins -
Health & Medicine
Ear Protection: Combo vaccine prevents some infections
A vaccine that triggers immunity against two common bacteria can prevent many ear infections in babies.
By Nathan Seppa -
Cell-Surface Stories
The latest generation of microelectrodes is reaching into biological realms to detect the ebbs and flows of chemicals at the surfaces of cells.
Materials Science
Networking with Friends: Nanotech material reconnects severed neurons
A new material made of nanometer-sized protein particles appears to be able to bridge the gap between severed nerves.
Health & Medicine
The Antibiotic Vitamin
Because vitamin D turns on a major germ killer in the body, a deficiency in the nutrient may leave people especially vulnerable to infections.
By Janet Raloff -
Pigging Out Healthfully: Engineered pork has more omega-3s
Scientists have created pigs that sport much higher concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in their tissues than normal pigs do.
Ballot Roulette
In the midst of rapid change in voting technology, researchers are finding causes for concern as well as inventing new equipment and schemes to improve the accuracy and integrity of elections.
By Peter Weiss