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5,042 results for: seek
Health & Medicine
Measuring Soft Drinks’ Jolt
Researchers report what most soft-drink labels don't: how much caffeine your refreshments contain.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Brain Attack
Although they have explored many promising ideas, scientists are finding it difficult to develop new treatments to limit the damage caused by ischemic strokes.
Health & Medicine
Stents Stumble
After a meteoric rise, stents coated with drugs to prevent renarrowing of clogged arteries have begun to fall from favor among cardiologists.
By Brian Vastag -
Science News of the Year 2007
A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the past year.
By Science News -
Health & Medicine
A Gasping Heart
A common imperfection in the structure of the heart may exacerbate obstructive sleep apnea and, in mountaineers, trigger a life-threatening lung condition called high-altitude pulmonary edema.
By Ben Harder -
Letters from the September 23, 2006, issue of Science News
Moo juiced? I live in Northern California, where forest-biomass power plants are common (“Radiation Redux: Forest fires remobilize fallout from bomb tests,” SN: 7/15/06, p. 38). One power plant takes the ashes that result and places them where cows forage. I’m wondering to what level of concentration this process will accumulate the cesium in organic […]
By Science News -
Reaching for Rays
Harnessing the sun's rays cheaply and efficiently could address the planet's energy needs.
Slime Dwellers
The health of corals, and their adaptability in the face of adversity, may rest largely on the microbes they recruit into a slime that coats their surfaces.
By Janet Raloff -
Shop Until You Can’t Stop: Compulsive buying affects both men and women
A national telephone survey indicates that nearly 6 percent of adults find themselves unable to resist frequent shopping binges that leave them saddled with debt, anxiety, and depression.
By Bruce Bower -
Engineering a Cure: Genetically modified cells fight cancer
By inserting a gene into normal immune cells isolated from melanoma patients, scientists have turned the cells into cancer fighters.
The Hunt for Antihelium
Scientists have been searching about 30 years for a single nucleus of helium made from antimatter, and although the discovery would imply that whole antimatter galaxies exist, the researchers' time could be running out.
From the July 18, 1936, issue
Modeling cosmic rays, shining colored light on plants, and the chances of being struck by lightning.
By Science News