Search Results for: seek
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5,042 results for: seek
Catching your breath
Scientists are investigating how to use the human breath to diagnose diseases and environmental ills.
Galaxy Zoo’s blue mystery (part I)
A Dutch science teacher found a novel celestial object that had eluded the notice of astronomers.
By Janet Raloff -
Stellar Switch: Sun not alone in making magnetic flip-flops
After years of searching, researchers have for the first time documented that a star other than the sun flips its magnetic poles.
By Ron Cowen -
Growing Up to Prozac: Drug makes new neurons mature faster
Prozac may relieve depression by stimulating growth and maturation of neurons in some parts of the brain.
Simpleminded Voters
An innovative research technique has led researchers to conclude that well-informed voters often use simple rules of thumb to sift through mountains of campaign information and pick the candidate who best reflects their own political views.
By Bruce Bower -
Health & Medicine
You, in a Dish
Human cells grown in conditions that mimic life inside the body are beginning to replace lab animals for testing drug candidates and industrial chemicals.
Internet Seduction: Online sex offenders prey on at-risk teens
Most online sex crimes involve adults seducing psychologically vulnerable teenagers into sexual relationships, a finding at odds with public fears of Internet-using children falling prey to deceptive, violent sexual predators.
By Bruce Bower -
Federal Research Censorship
The media-affairs office in federal agencies can be fairly obstructionist, and when they do, the public comes out the loser.
By Janet Raloff -
It’s Likely That Times Are Changing
A century ago, mathematician Hermann Minkowski famously merged space with time, establishing a new foundation for physics; today physicists are rethinking how the two should fit together
Sting Operation
Scientists use bees and wasps to sniff out the illicit and the dangerous.
By Susan Gaidos