Search Results for: seek

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5,010 results
  1. Life

    How salmonella helps kill cancer cells

    A bacterial foe gives the immune system a boost to seek and destroy melanoma. The findings may point to a vaccine for melanoma and other malignancies.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Immune gene variants help stop HIV

    Research on HIV-infected people who rarely develop AIDS might lead to better drugs or a vaccine.

  3. Chemistry

    From movies you’ll love to drugs you’ll take

    A new method picks out promising drug compounds by computer, in much the same way Netflix recommends DVDs to its customers.

  4. Siblings of autistic children may share some symptoms

    Studies may need to account for a predisposition to autistic traits in undiagnosed members of families where the disorder occurs.

  5. Humans

    GNP’s glaciers: Going, going . . .

    Climate warming will eliminate them within a generation, data indicate.

  6. Life

    Gene licensing stifles R&D

    Making research findings private property can stymie innovation down the road, a new study finds.

  7. Humans

    Simple Heresy

    Rules of thumb challenge complex financial analyses 

  8. Health & Medicine

    Healthy Aging in a Pill

    To extend life span, scientists envision a drug that mimics the benefits of a near-starvation diet.

  9. Astronomy

    Stellar oddballs

    Kepler spacecraft finds much more than exoplanets.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Everyone poops his or her own viruses

    The viral denizens of a person’s intestines are unique and don’t change much over time, a study suggests.

  11. Physicists join immune fight

    Principles beyond biology may help explain how the body battles infection.

  12. Space

    Newfound neighbor to solar system is a cool slacker

    Researchers have found the closest brown dwarf to Earth and the coolest yet seen, raising the possibility that the nearest starlike body to the solar system may be a brown dwarf rather than a star.
