Search Results for: seek

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5,033 results

5,033 results for: seek

  1. Health & Medicine

    Tired, sure, but is it from Lyme disease or chronic fatigue?

    A scan of proteins in spinal fluid reveals distinct signatures for these two conditions, offering hope for better diagnosis and possibly treatment.

  2. Basic research generates jobs and competitiveness

    Trained as a mechanical engineer in India, Subra Suresh researched the interfaces between engineering, biology and materials science before becoming dean of engineering at MIT and, as of October, director of the U.S. National Science Foundation. In February in Washington, D.C., at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Suresh […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Digging into the roots of lupus

    Two new studies implicate common white blood cells called neutrophils in this autoimmune disease.

  4. Desperately Seeking Moly

    Unreliable supplies of feedstock for widely used medical imaging isotope prompt efforts to develop U.S. sources.

  5. ‘Love’ hormone has a dark side

    Often associated with feelings of closeness, oxytocin can make people more or less trusting depending on their underlying social outlook.

  6. Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals by Hal Herzog

    Review by Susan Milius.

  7. Life

    Biologists go bats for storm-watch data

    Borrowing meteorologists’ weather radar info may reveal new view of the ecology of flying animals.

  8. Space

    Heat-seeking WISE spacecraft to scan the skies

    The new instrument promises to discover millions of infrared-bright galaxies and thousands of previously unknown asteroids and brown dwarfs.

  9. In the Zone

    Evolution may have trained the mind to see scoring streaks — even where they don't exist.

  10. Book Review: Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives by Annie Murphy Paul

    Review by Bruce Bower.

  11. Animals

    DEET of the sea

    Before turning in for the night, some reef-dwelling fish apply a slimy mucus shield to deter biting bugs.

  12. Letters

    Underground particle hunts The dark matter experiments described in “Mining for missing matter” (SN: 8/28/10, p. 22) sound almost identical to those looking for neutrinos. Both are placed deep underground to help screen out background radiation, especially neutrons. How do particle hunters differentiate between neutrino hits and those by the putative dark matter particles? Also, […]
