Search Results for: seek

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5,010 results
  1. Animals

    DEET of the sea

    Before turning in for the night, some reef-dwelling fish apply a slimy mucus shield to deter biting bugs.

  2. Letters

    Underground particle hunts The dark matter experiments described in “Mining for missing matter” (SN: 8/28/10, p. 22) sound almost identical to those looking for neutrinos. Both are placed deep underground to help screen out background radiation, especially neutrons. How do particle hunters differentiate between neutrino hits and those by the putative dark matter particles? Also, […]

  3. Life

    Helping Bats Hold On

    Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies.

  4. Into orbit

    MESSENGER pays a yearlong visit to Mercury.

  5. Science Past from the issue of March 26, 1960

    HIDDEN WATER TRACED BY BOMB FALLOUT IN RAIN — Radioactive fallout from atom bomb tests can be used to seek out and “expose” new sources of drinking water that lie hidden deep in the earth…. Raindrops have an affinity for absorbing minute particles of tritium from the fallout left in the atmosphere after nuclear bomb […]

  6. A mind for music

    Infancy’s Symphony | Photo by Carey Wolinsky Read features from the special edition Articles in A mind for music. | Go Download a PDF of the special edition Exclusive for Science News subscribers.Download Download PDF | Subscribe There are very few activities for which your birthday suit and a three-piece suit are equally appropriate attire. […]

  7. Humans

    Depressed teens not shunned

    In high school, students with depression seek — rather than settle for — friends with similar moods.

  8. Humans

    Seeking genetic fate

    Personal genomics companies offer forecasts of disease risk, but the science behind the packaging is still evolving.

  9. Humans

    Weighing risks, convicts display blind spots

    Prisoners often don’t appreciate likely gains or losses in making decisions, a finding with possible policy implications.

  10. Better by Design

    Avoiding undesirable traits from the start could help chemists make molecules less meddlesome.

  11. Humans

    World could heat up 4 degrees C in 50 years

    Immediate and substantial action to reduce emissions would be needed to meet climate negotiators' goal of holding warming to a 2 degree Celsius increase, a new package of scientific papers concludes.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Enzyme might underlie some stroke damage

    Inhibiting NOX4 in mice limits brain injury, tests show.
