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5,038 results for: seek
Highlights from the Psychonomic Society annual meeting
Summaries from the conference held November 15-18 in Minneapolis.
By Bruce Bower -
Cicadas’ odd life cycle poses evolutionary conundrums
Scientists are getting an idea about the odd family tree of periodical cicadas, how the insects synchronize their life cycles and why they breed side-by-side with others unsuitable for mating.
By Susan Milius -
Familiar faces
"Super recognizers" never forget a visage, an unusual ability that can be put to good use.
By Susan Gaidos -
Bee genes may drive them to adventure
Scouting behavior linked to certain molecules in insect brains.
Health & Medicine
Gamblers go all-in on Ritalin
Risk-taking may rise when healthy people use the stimulant to boost concentration.
Pacific coasts in line for solar eclipse
Moon will block sun, almost, for four minutes Sunday during annular eclipse
By Nadia Drake -
Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish
The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.
By Susan Milius -
Galactic smashup leaves dark matter debris
Find in ‘train wreck’ cluster forces astronomers to re-think theories about relationship between mysterious dark matter and galaxies.
By Nadia Drake -
Comic strip science
“I am so awesome.” [Smug grin.] Rosemary Mosco’s comic strips feature her favorite inspirations from nature and science. Courtesy of R. Mosco A classic method for remembering bird calls using similar-sounding words gets a new twist in Rosemary Mosco’s guide to the songs and calls of eastern North American birds. Courtesy of R. Mosco So […]
By Nadia Drake