Search Results for: seek

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5,010 results
  1. Psychology

    Familiar faces

    "Super recognizers" never forget a visage, an unusual ability that can be put to good use.

  2. Life

    Bee genes may drive them to adventure

    Scouting behavior linked to certain molecules in insect brains.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Gamblers go all-in on Ritalin

    Risk-taking may rise when healthy people use the stimulant to boost concentration.

  4. Pacific coasts in line for solar eclipse

    Moon will block sun, almost, for four minutes Sunday during annular eclipse

  5. Life

    Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish

    The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.

  6. Space

    Galactic smashup leaves dark matter debris

    Find in ‘train wreck’ cluster forces astronomers to re-think theories about relationship between mysterious dark matter and galaxies.

  7. Comic strip science

    “I am so awesome.” [Smug grin.] Rosemary Mosco’s comic strips feature her favorite inspirations from nature and science. Courtesy of R. Mosco A classic method for remembering bird calls using similar-sounding words gets a new twist in Rosemary Mosco’s guide to the songs and calls of eastern North American birds. Courtesy of R. Mosco So […]

  8. Anthropology

    Scientists can’t decide if shoulders of giants were broader or just better organized

  9. Space

    Light in the Dark

    Scientists may be on the brink of identifying a mysterious form of matter.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Movie clips help ease drug craving

    Images of heroin may prove useful in treating addiction.

  11. Humans

    Uncommitted newbies can foil forceful few

    Decisions more democratic when individuals with no preset preference join a group.

  12. Into the Fold

    Flat structures pop into 3-D forms, yielding miniature robots and tools.
