Search Results for: seek

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5,042 results

5,042 results for: seek

  1. Science & Society

    Special Report: Gravity’s Century

    After years of pondering the interplay of space, time, matter and gravity, Einstein produced, in a single month, an utter transformation of science’s conception of the cosmos: the general theory of relativity.

  2. Neuroscience

    Newly identified brain circuit could be target for treating obesity

    In mice, specific nerve cells control compulsive sugar consumption, but not normal feeding, hinting at a new therapeutic target for treating obesity.

  3. Science & Society

    Rocky families, not same-sex parents, blamed for kids’ troubles in adulthood

    Range of adult problems linked to childhood family changes, not gay parents.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Ultrasmall engines bend second law of thermodynamics

    Car engines and batteries run because of the second law of thermodynamics, which appears to work, with just a little bending, for ultrasmall engines in the quantum realm as well.

  5. Science & Society

    Working together doesn’t always work

    Working as a team is a great way to gather information, but innovative solutions come best from small groups or individuals, a new study suggests.

  6. Neuroscience

    How a fat hormone might make us born to run

    Many runners finish long races in a euphoric mood. The underpinnings of this runner’s high may involve many chemicals, including the fat hormone leptin.

  7. Animals

    Don’t let Cecil the lion distract from the big conservation challenges

    Cecil the lion’s death rocketed across the news and social media. But there are bigger conservation challenges that need attention, too.

  8. Astronomy

    New telescopes will search for signs of life on distant planets

    Researchers are coming up with creative ways to pick up biosignatures in far-away planetary atmospheres.

  9. Psychology

    No, cheese is not just like crack

    Recent news reports claimed that a study shows cheese is addictive. But the facts behind the research show cheese and crack have little in common.

  10. Psychology

    As suicide rates rise, researchers separate thoughts from actions

    Advances in suicide research and treatment may depend on separating thoughts from acts.

  11. Life

    Good luck outsmarting a mosquito

    Mosquitoes use their senses in sophisticated combinations and sequences to find you.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Apple’s ResearchKit wants your health data

    Apple seeks recruits for health studies. But with uncertain measurements and lots of effort required to participate, the desire to help research may extend only so far.
