Search Results for: seek

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5,016 results
  1. Astronomy

    New Horizons’ next target has been dubbed Ultima Thule

    NASA has named New Horizons spacecraft’s next target Ultima Thule after the public suggested tens of thousands of monikers for the Kuiper Belt object.

  2. Earth

    Scientists create a mineral in the lab that captures carbon dioxide

    Magnesite takes a long time to form in nature. Now, a team has found a way to speed up the making of the mineral, which can store carbon dioxide.

  3. Astronomy

    2018 was a busy year in space

    This year, some missions started exploring the cosmos, while others were winding down.

  4. Climate

    Warm tropical Atlantic waters juiced the 2017 hurricane season

    Anomalously warm ocean waters in the tropical Atlantic Ocean drove 2017’s hurricane powerhouses.

  5. Astronomy

    Delayed launch of NASA’s next exoplanet hunter is now set for tonight

    NASA’s next exoplanet hunter, TESS, launches today to seek planets in 85 percent of the sky.

  6. Genetics

    Here are 5 RNAs that are stepping out of DNA’s shadow

    RNAs do a lot more than act as middlemen for protein building. Here are a few of the ways they affect your health and disease.

  7. Humans

    Scientists seek early signs of autism

    The search for autism biomarkers, in the blood and the brain, is heating up.

  8. Genetics

    Koala genome may contain clues for helping the species survive

    The complete genetic instruction book of a koala may explain why the cuddly-looking cuties are such picky eaters, among other secrets.

  9. Paleontology

    An ancient swimming revolution in the oceans may have never happened

    Swimmers may not have suddenly dominated the oceans during the Devonian Period after all: New analyses suggest they took over much more gradually.

  10. Neuroscience

    A brain chemical tied to narcolepsy may play a role in opioid addiction

    Long-term use of opioids such as heroin is linked to having more brain cells that release a chemical that regulates wakefulness and arousal.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Delusions of skin infestation may not be so rare

    Delusional infestation, an unwavering belief that one’s skin is overrun with creatures or objects, may not be as rare as previously thought, researchers say.

  12. Science & Society

    For popularity on Twitter, partisanship pays

    Pundits claim that we’re all living in political echo chambers. A new study shows that, on Twitter at least, they’re right.
