Search Results for: mutations

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2,414 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Beer’s Well Done Benefit

    Beer may prove therapeutic for diners who prefer their meat cooked until it's well done.

  2. Earth

    Problems with eradicating polio

    The oral vaccine's live but attenuated virus may in rare cases revert to the disease-causing form, which can then turn up in natural waters even in regions now certified free of the wild-type virus.

  3. Chemistry

    Making a Little Progress

    Scientists are using nanotechnology to develop new strategies for diagnosing and treating cancer.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Expanding the therapeutic arsenal

    Two experimental drugs can send chronic myeloid leukemia into remission in patients who don't benefit from the best currently available drugs.

  5. Drug-resistance gene found—again

    A mutant gene confers resistance to chloroquine upon parasites that cause malaria.

  6. Math

    When Laziness Pays: Math explains how cooperation and cheating evolve

    Researchers have developed a mathematical model that helps explain how cooperation and cheating evolve among simple organisms.

  7. Code of Many Colors

    Researchers have yet to find markers for race in the genome, but understanding the biology underlying perceptions of race could have dramatic social and personal consequences.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New test may spot colon cancer early

    An experimental test for colon cancer may detect the disease at a treatable stage more accurately than current, noninvasive screening techniques.

  9. Humans

    Mouse Mourned: Yoda dies at age 4

    An age-defying laboratory mouse known as Yoda died peacefully in his cage in Ann Arbor, Mich., on April 22, at the age of 4 years and 12 days.

  10. Cavefish blinded by gene expression

    New evidence supports the theory that Mexican blind cavefish are sightless by evolutionary selection, not chance.

  11. Tech

    Gene Screen: Ultrasensitive nanowires catch mutations

    Researchers have devised a nanowire sensor that binds to DNA molecules and produces an electrical signal almost instantaneously.

  12. Anthropology

    Evolution’s Lost Bite: Gene change tied to ancestral brain gains

    In a controversial new report, a research team proposes that an inactivating gene mutation unique to people emerged around 2.4 million years ago and, by decreasing the size of jaw muscles, set the stage for brain expansion in our direct ancestors.
