Search Results for: mutations

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2,414 results
  1. Earth

    The Hunt for Habitable Planets

    Here and now, a new suite of small telescopes are poised to look for Earthlike planets beyond the solar system.

  2. Neuroscience

    It’s written all over your face

    To potential mates, your mug may reveal more than you think.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Mother Knows All

    Fragments of a fetus' genetic material that leak into a pregnant woman's bloodstream reveal details of early fetal development.

  4. Bacteria thrive by freeloading

    Mutant bacteria thrive by freeloading off their hard-working kin, but these slackers revert to working normally if they become too numerous.

  5. One tall gene

    The first reported gene for height can account for almost a centimeter of difference among people who have different versions of it.

  6. Emotional memory

    The action of a stress hormone could be why emotionally charged events form especially vivid and durable memories.

  7. New World Stopover: People may have entered the Americas in stages

    People first reached the edge of the Americas about 40,000 years ago but had to stay put for at least 20,000 years before melting ice sheets allowed them to move south and settle the rest of the continent.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Taking Cancer’s Fingerprint: Rapid genetic profiling for personalized therapy

    A new, faster way to identify cancer-causing mutations in the DNA of tumor cells may pave the way for the next generation of custom-tailored cancer therapies.

  9. No gene is an island

    Even as biologists catalog the discrete parts of life forms, an emerging picture reveals that life’s functions arise from interconnectedness.

  10. Not so Silent: Mutation alters protein but not its components

    A single swap in the letters of a gene's sequence could modify the protein it encodes, even if it doesn't change which amino acids make up the molecule.

  11. Life

    Epic Genetics

    The way genes are packaged by "epigenetic" changes may play a major role in the risk of addiction, depression and other mental disorders.

  12. Not Like Clockwork: High-fat diet disrupts daily routines of mice

    Fatty diets disrupt the sleep and metabolic cycles of mice by changing the activity of genes.
