Search Results for: mutations

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2,419 results
  1. Seeing Again: Blind fish parents have fry that see

    Cross two strains of blind cavefish that have lived in the dark for a million years, and some of their offspring will be able to see.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Vessel rescue

    A blood pressure medication limits damage to the aorta in people with Marfan syndrome, possibly signaling a new therapy for the condition.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Stomaching diabetes

    A new way to treat diabetes could recruit cells in the gut to make insulin when the pancreas can’t.

  4. Animals

    Wild innovation

    Researchers have published a rare description of a wild chimpanzee devising and modifying a novel form of tool use.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Down syndrome’s anti-tumor effect

    The chromosomal abnormality that causes Down syndrome might protect against some solid tumors.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Take a Breath: Fatty substance may play role in cystic fibrosis

    A fatty compound called ceramide that accumulates in lung cells may be instrumental in the devastating disease cystic fibrosis.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Early Arrival: HIV came from Haiti to United States

    New analysis of 25-year-old blood samples indicates that HIV reached the United States in about 1969, 12 years before AIDS was first formally described.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Anti-inflammatory prevents pancreatic cancer in mice

    An anti-inflammatory drug of the COX-2 inhibitor family blocks precancerous lesions in mice prone to pancreatic cancer.

  9. Breast Cancer Lead: Overactive gene is linked to disease

    A mutated gene that's overly active in breast cancer cells could offer a new target for cancer drugs.

  10. Micromanagers

    Some scientists believe the human brain is the creation of RNA. Only noncoding RNAs are plentiful, and powerful enough to handle the billions of complex interactions the brain faces every day.

  11. Microbes

    Team spirit

    Working together, bacteria and other microbes can accomplish much more than they can alone. Now scientists hope to harness that ability by engineering their own microbial consortia.

  12. New player in cancer risk

    RNA snippets of a newly discovered type could be involved in the mechanisms of cancer.
