Search Results for: mutations
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2,429 results for: mutations
More evidence that flies sleep like people
A brain chemical puts fruit flies to sleep.
The Iceman’s mysterious genetic past
Scientists say that they have identified the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the 5,000-year-old Tyrolean Iceman, whose body was found protruding from a glacier in 1991.
By Bruce Bower -
Flawed Stem Cells Yield Fragile X Clues: Researchers study genetic disorder via discarded embryos
The most common inherited cause of mental retardation arises when a mutated gene is shut down early in embryonic development.
By Brian Vastag -
Health & Medicine
Closing in on Rett syndrome
Scientists find that a particular part of the mouse brain is responsible for behavioral abnormalities associated with Rett syndrome, an autism spectrum disease that strikes females.
Health & Medicine
Malaria takes on the top meds
Malaria is thwarting frontline drugs called artemisinins in Cambodia.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Nongene DNA boosts AIDS risk
People with a newly discovered genetic variation are more vulnerable to HIV infection.
X chromosome is extra diverse
Men who father children with multiple women are responsible for “extra” diversity on the X chromosome, a new study of six different populations suggests.
HIV knockout
Cutting a gene in immune cells could offer a new way to treat HIV infections.
Minerals evolved along with life
Turns out, the variety and number of minerals in the solar system and on Earth have increased through time, and some minerals exist because Earth has life.
By Sid Perkins