Search Results for: mutations

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2,414 results
  1. Flawed Stem Cells Yield Fragile X Clues: Researchers study genetic disorder via discarded embryos

    The most common inherited cause of mental retardation arises when a mutated gene is shut down early in embryonic development.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Closing in on Rett syndrome

    Scientists find that a particular part of the mouse brain is responsible for behavioral abnormalities associated with Rett syndrome, an autism spectrum disease that strikes females.

  3. Life

    Darwin’s Evolution

    Darwin's life and his contribution to science.

  4. Plants

    Attack of the skinny tomato

    An extra copy of one gene slims down tomatoes.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Malaria takes on the top meds

    Malaria is thwarting frontline drugs called artemisinins in Cambodia.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nongene DNA boosts AIDS risk

    People with a newly discovered genetic variation are more vulnerable to HIV infection.

  7. Life

    X chromosome is extra diverse

    Men who father children with multiple women are responsible for “extra” diversity on the X chromosome, a new study of six different populations suggests.

  8. Chemistry

    HIV knockout

    Cutting a gene in immune cells could offer a new way to treat HIV infections.

  9. Earth

    Minerals evolved along with life

    Turns out, the variety and number of minerals in the solar system and on Earth have increased through time, and some minerals exist because Earth has life.

  10. Life

    Brain boost

    Protein improves old rats’ ability to form new memories.

  11. Protein Lineages: Randomness was crucial to ancient genetic changes

    Reconstruction of an ancient protein shows how seemingly unimportant mutations paved the way for its evolution into a molecule with an essential modern role.

  12. Life

    Making T cells tougher against HIV

    Delivering small interfering RNAs, or siRNAs, to human immune cells in mice protects the cells from HIV and suggests future therapy for patients.
