Search Results for: mutations

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2,413 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Mutations may underlie some stuttering

    Defects in three genes governing basic cell metabolism are found in a portion of cases, researchers find.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Breast milk may harbor cancer clues

    Analysis could provide a noninvasive means for testing risk in women, an early-stage study shows.

  3. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Smoking can damage DNA in a flash, plus more in this week's news.

  4. Head Agony

    Jumpy cells may underlie migraine’s sensory storm.

  5. Life

    Sugar fuels growth of insulin-making cells

    Mouse study suggests a new strategy for treating diabetes.

  6. Life

    Jigsaw genetics

    Fragments of a fetus's genome can be pieced together from the mother's blood to allow prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases.

  7. Genes & Cells

    Cellular suicide inspires new ways to kill harmful bacteria, plus test-tube sperm and insulin alternatives in this week’s news.

  8. Life

    One small step for a snail, one giant leap for snailkind

    Experiments suggest that gastropods shed their shells in one fell swoop during the evolutionary transition that created slugs.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Pancreatic cancer years in the making

    A decade elapses from the first cancer-related mutation to tumor formation, and several more years pass until the disease spreads to other organs, a new study finds. The work raises the possibility that a usually deadly malignancy can be treated before it’s too late.

  10. Life

    Hints of altruism among bacteria

    E. coli bacteria fight antibiotics with help from drug-resistant neighbors.

  11. Life

    MRSA bacterial strain mutates quickly as it spreads

    Antibiotic-resistant microbe's detailed family tree reveals roots of the global infection.

  12. Life

    Why starved flies need less sleep

    Low lipid levels keep the insects buzzing past bedtime, a new study finds, suggesting a role for metabolism in regulating sleep.
