Search Results for: mutations
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2,429 results for: mutations
Drugs activate dormant gene
A compound that blocks DNA unwinding can spur production of a critical brain protein in mice, leading to hope for a therapy for Angelman syndrome.
Health & Medicine
Mutated gene cited in some ovarian cancers
The finding may help researchers devise a way to screen women with endometriosis for cancer risk.
By Nathan Seppa -
Plague bug not so fierce after all
DNA analysis shows bacterium was fairly ordinary but thrived in pestilent conditions of medieval Europe.
By Nick Bascom -
Health & Medicine
One problem, many paths
Autism’s many genetic players may act through common networks.
No shortage of dangerous DNA
Woman who lived until age 115 didn’t lack genes that predispose her to disease, but she may have had some that protected her.
Julie Rehmeyer, Math trek
Turning numbers into shapes offers potential medical benefits.
By Science News -
Health & Medicine
Clues to autism’s roots from brain study
A new analysis finds differences in genetic activity, especially in genes controlling nerve cell form and function.
Molecules/Matter & Energy
Anthrax used in 2001 attacks have been genetically decoded, plus booze-soaked superconductors and an inverse Doppler effect in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Turning numbers into shapes offers potential medical benefits
Until recently, topology was seen as being among the most abstract fields of mathematics, one that bore out Henry John Stephen Smith’s 19th century toast: “Pure mathematics — may it never be of use to anyone!” But now the field, which deals with the shape of many-dimensional objects, has unexpectedly proved its usefulness in, of all places, […]
New gene therapy fixes mistakes
For the first time scientists have repaired a damaged gene in a living mouse.
Defying Depth
How deep-sea creatures, and close relatives, survive tons of water weight.
By Susan Gaidos -
Health & Medicine
Body & Brain
Handling fruit can throw off blood-glucose tests, plus an autism gene and itchy feelings in this week’s news.
By Science News