Search Results for: mutations
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2,429 results for: mutations
Genes & Cells
Family ties in memory and breast cancer, plus diagnosing ancient deaths and more in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Sweeps weak in human evolution
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the rapid spread of beneficial mutations has been relatively rare in the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens, a new study shows.
Health & Medicine
Bedbugs not averse to inbreeding
The pests have also developed ways to resist common insecticides, research shows.
By Nathan Seppa -
Eight-legged evolution exploits editing
Octopuses adapt to water temperature with tweaks to how genes are copied, not DNA itself.
In evolution, last really can be first
By tracking bacteria for thousands of generations, researchers show how small DNA changes can eventually put underdogs on top.
A tryst, then the power to resist
House mice in Europe got some of their tolerance for rodenticides from hybridizing with a completely different species
By Susan Milius -
2011 medicine Nobel goes to immunology researchers
The prize in physiology or medicine recognizes scientists for their work on the body's innate and adaptive defenses against invading pathogens.
By Nathan Seppa -
Frozen mummy’s genetic blueprints unveiled
DNA study reveals the 5,300-year-old Iceman had brown eyes, Lyme disease and links to modern-day Corsicans and Sardinians.
Genes & Cells
A study of the Amish reveals that sleep habits are inherited, plus more in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Drugs activate dormant gene
A compound that blocks DNA unwinding can spur production of a critical brain protein in mice, leading to hope for a therapy for Angelman syndrome.