Search Results for: mutations

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2,429 results

2,429 results for: mutations

  1. Life

    Nouveaux Antennas

    A single hairlike appendage may allow a cell to sense the outside world

  2. Life

    E. coli caught in the act of evolving

    Researchers track thousands of bacterial generations to document the development of a trait nearly 25 years in the making.

  3. Designer Flu

    How scientists made a killer virus airborne — and who should know.

  4. Life

    Good cholesterol may not be what keeps the heart healthy

    Genetic study suggests that higher levels of HDL aren’t directly responsible for the lower risk of cardiovascular disease seen in population studies.

  5. Life

    Tracking the viral link to lymphoma

    A mutation in an anticancer gene in the Epstein-Barr virus may account for some of its malignant effect, research shows.

  6. Life

    Fasting hormone helps mice live longer

    A protein can trick the body into entering starvation mode.

  7. Humans

    Ancient North Africans got milk

    Pottery study unveils early dairy practices among Saharan cattle herders.

  8. Tech

    The descent of music

    Using an evolutionary process, researchers create pleasing tunes out of grating noise.

  9. Genetics

    From Great Grandma to You

    Epigenetic changes reach down through the generations.

  10. Life

    All genes aren’t indispensable

    Even healthy people may have about 20 genes that are completely inactivated, a new study finds.

  11. Humans

    A Cancer Patient’s Best Friend

    Similarities between tumors in people and dogs mean canine studies can inform human disease.

  12. Science & Society

    Scientists take on Twitter

    Social media comes into its own as a tool and a subject for study.
