Search Results for: mutations

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2,429 results

2,429 results for: mutations

  1. Life

    Tibetans live high life thanks to extinct human relatives

    DNA shared by modern-day Tibetans and extinct Denisovans suggests people picked up helpful genes through interbreeding with other hominids.

  2. Genetics

    Gene editing reverses liver disorder in mice

    By editing a mouse's genes with bacterial proteins, scientists have reversed a rare liver disorder in the animal.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Carbs and gut microbes fuel colon cancer

    Western nations experience high levels of colon cancer, and carbo-loading gut microbes might explain why, says a new study in mice.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Prion mutation yields disease marked by diarrhea

    Rare prion ailment starts in adulthood, attacking the gut before brain.

  5. Genetics

    GMOs haven’t delivered on their promises — or risks

    Genetically modified foods have been studied extensively and are abundant on supermarket shelves, but they haven’t managed to end world hunger yet.

  6. Genetics

    Long before Columbus, seals brought tuberculosis to South America

    Evidence from the skeletons of ancient Peruvians shows that seals may have brought tuberculosis across an ocean from Africa.

  7. Genetics

    Gene drives spread their wings

    Gene drives may wipe out malaria and take down invasive species. But they may be difficult to control.

  8. Science & Society

    Cancer research scores big at Intel ISEF

    An innovative statistical analysis of cancer-promoting genes earned a 15-year-old the top prize — and $75,000 — at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2014.

  9. Science & Society

    Big data studies come with replication challenges

    As science moves into big data research — analyzing billions of bits of DNA or other data from thousands of research subjects — concern grows that much of what is discovered is fool’s gold.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Ulcer microbe changes quickly to avoid immune attack

    During the initial weeks of infection, Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers, mutates at a high rate, apparently to evade the body’s defenses.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Mutated H7N9 strain is drug resistant, spreadable

  12. Genetics

    Monkeys born with edited genes

    A DNA-snipping technique inspired by bacteria shows therapeutic promise.
