Search Results for: mutations

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2,413 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    There’s no need to panic about enterovirus

    The enterovirus behind this year’s outbreak, EV-D68, has been around for decades and generally causes mild symptoms.

  2. Science & Society

    The amateur who helped Einstein see the light

    With help from Science News Letter, eccentric amateur Rudi Mandl persuaded Einstein to explore the phenomenon of gravitational lensing.

  3. Science & Society

    No matter the language, disease risk is hard to communicate

    Reassuring messages about MERS might seem designed to stop panic. But in reality, people need to hear the truth, even if it’s uncertain.

  4. Genetics

    Scientists find new way to corral genetically engineered bacteria

    Engineering E. coli to depend on human-made molecules may keep genetically modified bacteria from escaping into nature.

  5. Health & Medicine

    New antibiotic candidate shows promise

    Tests in lab dishes and mice suggest an experimental compound called teixobactin can kill staph, TB microbes and other bacteria.

  6. Genetics

    Gene activity change can produce cancer

    Scientists have long thought that epigenetic changes, which alter gene activity, can cause cancer. Now they have demonstrated it in a mouse experiment.

  7. Science & Society

    Home-brewed heroin: Hold the hype

    Now is the time to think about policy for synthetically produced morphine, but the process, if it bears out, is years away from working.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Diet fix eases Huntington’s symptoms in mice

    Supplement improves health of rodents with mutation that causes neurodegeneration like that seen in Huntington’s disease.

  9. Life

    Tibetans live high life thanks to extinct human relatives

    DNA shared by modern-day Tibetans and extinct Denisovans suggests people picked up helpful genes through interbreeding with other hominids.

  10. Genetics

    Gene editing reverses liver disorder in mice

    By editing a mouse's genes with bacterial proteins, scientists have reversed a rare liver disorder in the animal.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Carbs and gut microbes fuel colon cancer

    Western nations experience high levels of colon cancer, and carbo-loading gut microbes might explain why, says a new study in mice.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Prion mutation yields disease marked by diarrhea

    Rare prion ailment starts in adulthood, attacking the gut before brain.
