Search Results for: mutations

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2,413 results
  1. Genetics

    The upside of a demolished chromosome

    A woman’s rare genetic disease was cured when a chromosome carrying the mutant gene shattered.

  2. Neuroscience

    A mutated bacterial enzyme gobbles up cocaine

    Cocaine is highly addictive, and those attempting to quit often relapse. Modifications to an enzyme that breaks down cocaine could help prevent abstinence setbacks.

  3. Plants

    Genetic battle of the sexes plays out in cukes and melons

    Genetics reveals new approach to preventing inbred seeds and encouraging more fruitful crops.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Chikungunya is on the move

    The chikungunya virus, which wreaks havoc on joints, has spread via mosquitoes in tropical regions. Now it has found a way to hijack a second mosquito, posing a threat to people in Europe, North America and China.

  5. Life

    Genetic mutation quenches quantum quirk in algae

    Studying algae that can and cannot use quantum coherence to harvest light could lead to better organic solar cells and quantum-based electronic devices.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Vaccines could counter addictive opioids

    Scientists turn to vaccines to curb the growing opioid epidemic.

  7. Life

    Insulin-suppressing hormone discovered

    A newly discovered hormone suppresses insulin production and secretion in fruit flies and maybe in humans.

  8. Neuroscience

    Priya Rajasethupathy: Memories mark DNA

    Neuroscientist Priya Rajasethupathy has discovered a tiny molecule that may turn off part of the genome to help the brain store long-term memories.

  9. Genetics

    Feng Zhang: Editing DNA

    Scientist Feng Zhang has developed a system to easily and precisely edit genomes.

  10. Genetics

    Genetic editing can delete deleterious mitochondria

    A new technique slates mutant mitochondria for destruction.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Aspirin, other painkillers may not reduce colorectal cancer risk for everybody

    Aspirin and NSAIDs appear widely protective against colorectal cancer, but not for everyone.

  12. Genetics

    Gene editing makes pigs safer for human transplants

    CRISPR/Cas9 disables multiple viruses at one time
