Search Results for: mutations

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2,413 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Parasite gives a man cancer

    Tapeworms can kick parasitism up a notch to become cancer, a case in Colombia shows.

  2. Genetics

    Ancient DNA pushes back timing of the origin of dogs

    DNA extracted from the fossil of an ancient wolf indicates dogs and wolves diverged longer ago than previously thought.

  3. Genetics

    Mosquitoes engineered to zap ability to carry malaria

    Researchers have created a gene drive that prevents mosquitoes from carrying malaria.

  4. Genetics

    Single exodus from Africa gave rise to today’s non-Africans

    Genetics and climate studies differ on when modern humans left Africa.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Genetic tweak turned plague bacterium deadly

    Two genetic changes allowed plague bacteria to cause deadly lung infections and pandemic disease.

  6. Genetics

    Ebola continues to shift, but grows no more fatal

    In the West African epidemic, Ebola evolved and spread quickly, but the virus is not becoming deadlier over time.

  7. Life

    Aging: Nature’s way of reducing competition for resources

    Aging may have developed in many species as a genetic mechanism to conserve future resources. If the controversial proposal is true, then scientists may be able to greatly extend life span by deactivating the machinery for aging embedded in our DNA.

  8. Neuroscience

    No-pain gene discovered

    Scientists have identified a new genetic culprit for the inability to perceive pain.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Clean-up gene gone awry can cause Lou Gehrig’s disease

    Scientists have linked mutations on a gene involved in inflammation and cell cleanup to ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

  10. Genetics

    How Ethiopian highlanders adapted to breathe thin air

    Lower levels of a heart protein may help Ethiopian highlanders breathe thin air, researchers report.

  11. Life

    Removing worn-out cells makes mice live longer and prosper

    Senescent cells promote aging, and removing them makes mice live longer, healthier lives.

  12. Neuroscience

    Signs of Huntington’s show up in the brain in childhood

    Hints of Huntington’s disease show up in the brain long before symptoms do.
