Search Results for: mutations

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2,413 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Random mutations play large role in cancer, study finds

    Mistakes made while copying DNA account for more mutations in cancer cells than environment or inheritance do.

  2. Paleontology

    Woolly rhinos may have grown strange extra ribs before going extinct

    Ribs attached to neck bones could have signaled trouble for woolly rhinos, a new study suggests.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Therapy flags DNA typos to rev cancer-fighting T cells

    Genetic tests help identify cancer patients who will benefit from immune therapy.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Genetic risk of getting second cancer tallied for pediatric survivors

    Inherited mutations, not only treatment, affect the chances that a childhood cancer survivor will develop a second cancer later in life.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Readers ponder the randomness of DNA errors

    Readers sent feedback on cellular slip-ups, moon mayhem and more.

  6. Health & Medicine

    By ganging up, HIV antibodies may defeat the virus

    A duo or trio of powerful antibodies was effective at stopping an HIV-like infection in lab monkeys, two studies find.

  7. Life

    The next wave of bird flu could be worse than ever

    Deadly bird flu can pass between ferrets through the air.

  8. Genetics

    Scientists replaced 80 percent of a ‘butterfly’ boy’s skin

    By correcting genes in stem cells and growing new skin in the lab, a new therapy repaired a genetic skin disease.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Zika may not be the only virus of its kind that can damage a fetus

    Zika may not be alone among flaviviruses in its ability to harm a developing fetus, a new study in mice finds.

  10. Genetics

    Cancer mutation patterns differ in smokers, nonsmokers

    The DNA of smokers shows more damage than the DNA of nonsmokers who have the same kind of cancer.

  11. Genetics

    Gene knockouts in people provide drug safety, effectiveness clues

    People naturally lacking certain genes give clues about drug safety and efficacy, a study in Pakistanis shows.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Scientists are tracking how the flu moves through a college campus

    Researchers are following the spread of viruses and illness among students in a cluster of University of Maryland dorms to learn more about how the bugs infect.
