Search Results for: mutations

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2,432 results

2,432 results for: mutations

  1. Life

    CRISPR enters its first human clinical trials

    The gene editor will be used in lab dishes in cancer and blood disorder trials, and to directly edit a gene in human eyes in a blindness therapy test.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Faulty cellular antennae may cause a heart valve disorder

    Mitral valve prolapse might be caused by dysfunctional primary cilia meant to signal cells during development.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Antioxidants may encourage the spread of lung cancer rather than prevent it

    Antioxidants protect lung cancer cells from free radicals, but also spur metastasis, two new studies suggest.

  4. Humans

    The earliest known hominid interbreeding occurred 700,000 years ago

    The migration of Neandertal-Denisovan ancestors to Eurasia some 700,000 years ago heralded hookups with a resident hominid population.

  5. Life

    How emus and ostriches lost the ability to fly

    Changes in regulatory DNA, rather than mutations to genes themselves, grounded some birds, a study finds.

  6. Genetics

    A CRISPR spin-off causes unintended typos in DNA

    One type of CRISPR gene editor makes frequent and widespread mistakes, studies in mice and rice reveal.

  7. Health & Medicine

    You can help fight the coronavirus. All you need is a computer

    With Folding@home, people can donate computing time on their home computers to the search for a chemical Achilles’ heel in the coronavirus.

  8. Space

    What will astronauts need to survive the dangerous journey to Mars?

    Going to Mars, astronauts will need protections from microgravity and radiation, plus miniature medical devices to diagnose problems and help handle emergencies.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A tiny crater on viruses behind the common cold may be their Achilles’ heel

    Researchers have discovered a potential new drug target in a family of viruses responsible for the common cold and more serious infections.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Disabling one protein might one day lead to a cure for the common cold

    Scientists have identified a protein in humans that some viruses, including those that cause colds, need to spread.

  11. Genetics

    The first U.S. trials in people put CRISPR to the test in 2019

    Trials of the gene editor in people began in the United States this year, a first step toward fulfilling the technology’s medical promise.

  12. Health & Medicine

    CRISPR gene editing relieves muscular dystrophy symptoms in dogs

    Scientists have used CRISPR’s molecular scissors in beagle puppies to repair a genetic mutation that causes muscular dystrophy.
