Search Results for: exoplanet

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383 results
  1. Good things come to astronomers who wait

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the long-awaited launch of the James Webb Space Telescope and an update on our SN 10: Scientists to Watch.

  2. Astronomy

    A star nicknamed ‘Earendel’ may be the most distant yet seen

    Analyzing Hubble Space Telescope images revealed a star whose light originates from about 12.9 billion light-years away, researchers say.

  3. Astronomy

    When James Webb launches, it will have a bigger to-do list than 1980s researchers suspected

    The James Webb Space Telescope has been in development for so long that space science has changed in the meantime.

  4. Astronomy

    New ideas on what makes a planet habitable could reshape the search for life

    New definitions of “habitable worlds” could include planets with global oceans under a steamy hydrogen atmosphere or exclude ones that started out habitable but lost all their water.

  5. Chemistry

    How rare earth elements’ hidden properties make modern technology possible

    Because of their unique chemistry, the rare earth elements can fine-tune light for many different purposes and generate powerful magnetic fields.

  6. Astronomy

    An otherwise quiet galaxy in the early universe is spewing star stuff

    Seen as it was 700 million years after the Big Bang, the galaxy churns out a relatively paltry number of stars. And yet it’s heaving gas into space.

  7. Astronomy

    The James Webb Space Telescope has reached its new home at last

    The most powerful telescope ever launched still has a long to-do list before it can start doing science.

  8. Space

    These discoveries from 2021, if true, could shake up science

    Discoveries in 2021, from hidden subatomic particles to the oldest animal fossils, could shake up science. But more evidence is needed to confirm them.

  9. Tech

    How ChatGPT and similar AI will disrupt education

    The new chatbot ChatGPT and other generative AI encourage cheating and offer up incorrect info, but they could also be used for good.

  10. Space

    ‘Oumuamua may be a chip knocked off an icy, Pluto-like exoplanet

    If the first interstellar visitor were a shard of nitrogen ice, it would explain some of its unusual behavior when it passed through our solar system.

  11. Astronomy

    How ‘hot Jupiters’ may get their weirdly tight orbits

    Gravitational kicks from other planets and stars can send giant worlds into orbits that bring them close to their suns.

  12. Space

    A rush to watch a supernova exposed its last gasp before exploding

    By studying the final years of stars, scientists hope to find clues to help them recognize when other stars are about to blow.
