Search Results for: exoplanet
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385 results for: exoplanet
Saturn’s quadruple play
Last February, the Hubble Space Telescope captured a portrait of Saturn as four of its moons simultaneously passed in front.
By Ron Cowen -
Atom & Cosmos: Science news of the year, 2008
Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Atom & Cosmos. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.
By Science News -
Impossible view In “Milky Way puts on weight” (SN: 1/31/09, p. 8), you claim to show an image of the Milky Way. This image cannot be real. Worse, it creates misconceptions: As a college educator, I find that most students actually believe NASA has launched probes outside of the Milky Way to take pictures of […]
By Science News -
The Star That Ate a Mars
COVER STORY: Scientists probe debris trapped by white dwarfs to learn more about what faraway Earthlike planets are made of.
Science & Society
2008: Science news of the year
Science News editors and writers survey the top news from the world of science in 2008. The selected stories are featured in this year-end issue, with links to the original, longer stories.
By Science News -
Beyond Galileo’s universe
Astronomers grapple with cosmic puzzles both dark and light
By Ron Cowen -
Smallest known transiting planet discovered
Astronomers have found the smallest known extrasolar planets that is blocking light from its parent star. The discovery could help reveal information about the structure of planets that may resemble Earth.
By Ron Cowen -
In the Beginning: More early clues for life at home, out there
Astronomers move closer to understanding how life arose on Earth and how it could arise elsewhere.
By Ron Cowen -
Searching for superEarths
Astronomers are exploring a new family of planets beyond the solar system.
By Ron Cowen -
The Hunt for Habitable Planets
Here and now, a new suite of small telescopes are poised to look for Earthlike planets beyond the solar system.
By Ron Cowen