Search Results for: exoplanet

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382 results
  1. Earth


    Readers discuss Tibetan genetics, how Saharan dust built the Bahamas and why people don't like being left alone with their thoughts.

  2. Astronomy

    Rocky planets around cool stars may have Earthlike climates

    Small, rocky planets that sit close to cool stars might be able to keep spinning, creating conditions hospitable to life.

  3. Planetary Science

    Rare, free-floating exoplanet found

  4. Astronomy

    White dwarf upsets planetary system, consumes evidence

    Rocky planets are disintegrating around a white dwarf, the core of a dead star.

  5. Planetary Science

    Maps reveal clouds on distant exoplanet

    Astronomers chart the atmosphere of Kepler-7b, some 1,000 light-years away.

  6. Astronomy

    Tilted binary stars test theories of planet formation

    Tilted disks in binary star systems may help astronomers explain variety of exoplanet orbits.

  7. Earth

    New fascination with Earth’s ‘Boring Billion’

    The Mesoproterozoic era, known as the boring billion, had very low oxygen, but it set the stage for the evolution of animals.

  8. Astronomy

    Kepler space telescope data uncovers 715 new planets

    Astronomers used a new tool to quickly confirm the detection of exoplanets.

  9. Astronomy

    Rare planet circles just one of a pair of stars

    A newly discovered exoplanet orbits one star in a binary pair and shows that planets can form even with a second sun nearby.

  10. Astronomy

    When looking for aliens, try finding their pollution

    Future telescopes may discover civilized aliens by detecting the industrial pollutants called fluorinated gases in exoplanet atmospheres.

  11. Animals


    Readers respond to jellyfish, goalkeeping and off-kilter planets.

  12. Planetary Science

    Do-it-yourself solar system

    If you've always wanted to build your own solar system, roll up your sleeves — SuperPlanetCrash is an online solar system simulator, set up as a game.
