Search Results for: exoplanet

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382 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Exoplanet mass revealed in light

    A new method could help identify habitable planets.

  2. Astronomy

    Planets may emerge from stellar duo gathering icy dust

    Gas freezing onto dust grains around a binary star could be setting up a site where comets or even planets might someday form.

  3. Astronomy

    Kepler data confirm 715 new exoplanets

    The population of planets outside the solar system has grown by about 70 percent, thanks to discoveries culled from Kepler space telescope data. Researchers are announcing 715 new confirmed planets in a February 26 press conference.

  4. Astronomy

    Kepler telescope discovers another 554 possible planets

    Extra year of Kepler telescope data adds 554 possible planets and eight confirmed ones that might be able to host life.

  5. Astronomy

    Stopping starlight may bring other Earths into focus

    Two new telescope concepts compete for NASA’s approval, in hopes of taking the first picture of a life-bearing exoplanet.

  6. Astronomy

    To search for an advanced civilization, take a U-turn to star clusters

    Globular star clusters might be safe, stable homes for long-lived advanced civilizations.

  7. Astronomy

    Kepler space telescope finds first ‘mega-Earth’

    'Mega-Earth' has been added to the distinctions that describe exoplanets thanks to a newly announced Kepler space telescope discovery.

  8. Ecosystems

    Lessons for the new year

    SN Editor in Chief, Eva Emerson, reflects on looking to nature for insights on how to constructively look ahead - even if just a year -drawing from a handful of this issues natural science stories for her 2015 resolutions.

  9. Astronomy

    Astronomers celebrating Hubble’s past focus on its future

    Astronomers celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope by reflecting on its diversity and looking ahead to the future.

  10. Astronomy

    Super-Earths, meet superpuffs, a lighter weight class of planet

    Superpuffs are underweight, oversized planets that formed in outskirts of star systems before cuddling up close to their sun.

  11. Astronomy

    Solo planets may be surprisingly common

    Rogue planets may form as stars do, but on a smaller scale, or they may go forced out of orbit during planetary ping-pong. Researchers are scanning the skies for them.

  12. Astronomy

    Signs of cloudy skies seen in two exoplanet atmospheres

    Exoplanets GJ 436b and GJ 1214b have signatures of clouds in their atmospheres, but the skies are like nothing seen in the solar system.
