Search Results for: exoplanet

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382 results
  1. Science & Society

    Top 10 science stories of 2016: Gravitational waves, Zika, Proxima b and more

    The detection of gravitational waves takes the top spot in our top 10 stories of 2016. Also on the list: Zika’s devastation, a nearby exoplanet discovery and more.

  2. Astronomy

    New telescopes will search for signs of life on distant planets

    Researchers are coming up with creative ways to pick up biosignatures in far-away planetary atmospheres.

  3. Astronomy

    Seven Earth-sized planets orbit nearby supercool star

    A planetary system called TRAPPIST-1 has seven Earth-sized planets, three in the habitable zone, researchers report.

  4. Science & Society

    The year of gravitational waves, Zika and more

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses the top science news stories of 2016.

  5. Space

    Trying to find ET and our place in the universe

    Editor in Chief discusses the search for life beyond Earth.

  6. Planetary Science

    Readers were curious about rogue planets, exomoons and more

    Readers had questions about rogue planets, human arrival in Australia, and exomoons.

  7. Astronomy

    Tabby’s star is probably just dusty, and still not an alien megastructure

    New looks at older data on the weirdly flickering Tabby’s star muddy possible explanations — but it’s still probably not aliens.

  8. Astronomy

    Kepler telescope readies for new mission after communications scare

    The Kepler space telescope has recovered from going into emergency mode and is now ready for its next planet-hunting mission.

  9. Astronomy

    First known exoplanets have few counterparts

    The first known exoplanets were discovered around pulsars — probably one of the least likely places to have been found, astronomers now say.

  10. Planetary Science

    Moon had a magnetic field for at least a billion years longer than thought

    The moon’s magnetic field could have lasted until about a billion years ago.

  11. Astronomy

    Choose Ninja, Cervantes or Rosalind as names for exoplanets

    Names for 20 exoplanets are in the hands of a discerning online audience.

  12. Planetary Science

    New exoplanet: Big Earth or small Neptune?

    NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered a “cousin” of Earth 1,400 light-years away. But even though the new planet bears many similarities to Earth, experts say much about it remains a mystery.
