Search Results for: exoplanet

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382 results
  1. Astronomy

    The TESS space telescope has spotted its first exoplanet

    TESS’s first exoplanet is twice Earth’s size and may have lots of water.

  2. Astronomy

    The first suspected exomoon may remain hidden for another decade

    The discoverers of the first evidence for a moon orbiting a planet around a distant star are still trying to confirm the object’s existence.

  3. Astronomy

    Stars may keep spinning fast, long into old age

    NASA’s TESS telescope has spotted an old star that spins too fast for theory to explain, suggesting that stars may have a magnetic midlife crisis.

  4. Space

    It’s time to start taking the search for E.T. seriously, astronomers say

    Astronomers are hoping to make looking for alien technology an official science goal of NASA.

  5. Astronomy

    Astronomers snap the first baby pictures of a planet

    New telescope images give the clearest view of an exoplanet embryo yet.

  6. Astronomy

    Take a virtual trip to an alien world

    NASA’s Exoplanet Travel Bureau website lets you view what alien landscapes might look like.

  7. Space

    Lasers squeezed iron to mimic the conditions of exoplanet cores

    In the first experiment to measure what exoplanets might be like on the inside, scientists hit iron with 176 lasers at once.

  8. Astronomy

    With the launch of TESS, NASA will boost its search for exoplanets

    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite will set the stage for the next chapter of exoplanet exploration.

  9. Astronomy

    2018 was a busy year in space

    This year, some missions started exploring the cosmos, while others were winding down.

  10. Astronomy

    Next to its solar twins, the sun stands out

    Our sun has subtly different chemistry from its peers, which may help pinpoint stars with systems like our own.

  11. Astronomy

    NASA’s TESS spacecraft launches to begin its exoplanet search

    After reaching its orbit in about two months, the telescope will start scanning nearby stars telltale dips in light that signal a passing planet.

  12. Astronomy

    Delayed launch of NASA’s next exoplanet hunter is now set for tonight

    NASA’s next exoplanet hunter, TESS, launches today to seek planets in 85 percent of the sky.
