Search Results for: antarctica

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1,396 results

1,396 results for: antarctica

  1. Plants

    Cretaceous Corsages? Fossil in amber suggests antiquity of orchids

    Orchids appeared on the scene about 80 million years ago, according to evidence from a bee that collected orchid pollen and got trapped in amber.

  2. Physics

    Meet me at 79°50′ N, 56° W

    Violations of Newtonian physics could explain away dark matter.

  3. Ecosystems

    An unexpected, thriving ecosystem

    A diverse group of creatures beneath an Antarctic ice shelf could give pause to researchers who infer past ecological conditions from fossils found in such sediments.

  4. Earth

    Cold and Deep: Antarctica’s Lake Vostok has two big neighbors

    Trapped beneath Antarctica's kilometers-thick ice sheet are two immense bodies of water that may harbor ecosystems that have been isolated for millions of years.

  5. Earth

    A Feverish World

    What's behind global warming—and is there anything we can do?

  6. Paleontology

    Twice upon a Time

    New fossil finds suggest that the complex features of mammals originated earlier than previously thought and might even have evolved independently in different mammalian lineages.

  7. Earth

    Subglacial lakes may not be isolated ecosystems

    Large volumes of water may occasionally flow between the lakes that lie deep beneath Antarctica's kilometers-thick ice sheet.

  8. Earth

    Invasive, Indeed

    Some people may live lightly on the land, but the demands of the world's population as a whole consume nearly a quarter of Earth's total biological productivity.

  9. Physics

    The Hunt for Antihelium

    Scientists have been searching about 30 years for a single nucleus of helium made from antimatter, and although the discovery would imply that whole antimatter galaxies exist, the researchers' time could be running out.

  10. Earth

    Intrepid Explorer

    A robotic torpedo called an autonomous underwater vehicle has provided scientists with an unprecedented look at the underside of an Antarctic ice shelf.

  11. Ecosystems

    Antarctic birds are breeding later

    Rising global temperatures are causing Arctic birds to breed earlier in the spring, but for Antarctic birds, the reverse is true.

  12. Chemistry

    Were Viking landers blind to life?

    The Viking landers may have missed potential signs of life when they explored Mars in 1976.
