Search Results for: antarctica

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1,385 results
  1. Earth

    The Solar System’s Big Bang

    Finding signs of a lost beginning.

  2. Astronomy

    In the Beginning: More early clues for life at home, out there

    Astronomers move closer to understanding how life arose on Earth and how it could arise elsewhere.

  3. Earth

    Meteor dust layers taint Antarctic ice

    Two layers of deep Antarctic ice, each hundreds of thousands of years old, are rich in meteoritic dust.

  4. Ecosystems

    Sea Change: People have affected what penguins eat

    Adélie penguins in Antarctica significantly changed their eating habits about 200 years ago, after whaling and other human activities transformed the ocean ecosystem.

  5. Earth

    Fits and Starts

    New data identify some factors that influence the highly variable flow rates of ice streams, the megaglaciers that carry most of Antarctica's ice to the sea.

  6. Earth

    The Salt Flat That Isn’t Flat: World’s largest playa sports ridges, valleys

    An innovative field survey of the world's largest salt flat, a New Jersey–size playa high in the Andes, reveals that the barren expanse actually has minuscule, centimeter-scale variations in topography.

  7. Earth

    Glaciers give major boost to sea level

    The ongoing disappearance of glaciers and other small ice masses worldwide makes a larger contribution to sea level rise than the melting of ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica does.

  8. Animals

    Low Life: Cold, polar ocean looks surprisingly rich

    The first survey of life in deep waters around Antarctica has turned up hundreds of new species and a lot more variety than explorers had expected.

  9. Earth

    Icebergs can be biological hot spots

    Icebergs carry nutrients from the land and shed them into the sea, nourishing life in the frigid waters near Antarctica.

  10. Earth

    Subglacial lakes may influence ice flow

    The flow of water into and out of massive, ice-covered lakes in Antarctica may influence the speed at which the overlying glaciers move toward the sea.

  11. Paleontology

    Of penguins’ range and climate change

    Variations in the range of Adélie penguins along one section of Antarctica's coast during the past 45,000 years are a keen indicator of climate change there.

  12. Earth

    Southern seas slow their uptake of CO2

    In recent decades, the rate at which oceans in the Southern Hemisphere soak up atmospheric carbon dioxide has slowed.
