Search Results for: antarctica

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1,391 results

1,391 results for: antarctica

  1. Climate

    Guarded optimism on Copenhagen climate talks

    Negotiators representing 181 nations completed their final prep work in Barcelona, Spain, last Friday, on a new climate treaty — one that they hope to build a month from now at a major conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. But at least one scientist worries that what comes out of the Copenhagen deliberations may not have sufficient coordination and strength to meet the challenges that Earth’s climate has begun throwing at us.

  2. Tech

    Watching Earth for 25 years

    The Landsat 5 satellite launched in 1984 with a mission to orbit and image Earth's surface for three years. Still in orbit, the satellite has continuously documented changes in landscape.

  3. Chemistry

    Nitrous oxide fingered as monster ozone slayer

    Nitrous oxide has become the leading threat to the future integrity of stratospheric ozone, scientists report.

  4. Earth

    A more organic meteorite

    Some meteorites may contain a higher concentration of organic chemicals than previously thought.

  5. Earth

    Ice spy

    Radar altimeters on Earth-orbiting probes can detect and count small icebergs even under cloudy skies, providing warning to ships and invaluable data for scientists monitoring climate change.

  6. Earth

    Howdy, neighbor!

    About 800 million years ago, East Antarctica, now one of the coldest regions on Earth, abutted what is now Death Valley, Calif., one of the hottest.

  7. Earth

    Unintended consequences

    A full recovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the coming years could significantly boost warming of the atmosphere over and around the icy continent.

  8. Earth

    Earth: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Earth. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  9. Life

    Time to chill

    Well-preserved fossils deposited in an Antarctic lake about 14 million years ago pin down when a large part of the now-icy continent most recently dipped below freezing.

  10. Earth

    Big Gulp, Asian style

    Satellite data reveals that increased irrigation pressure is rapidly depleting groundwater in northern India.

  11. Earth

    One Rockin’ Library

    This dusty library saves the geo-curious a trip to Antarctica.

  12. Space

    Water-ice deposits found beneath Martian hills

    Using radar from an orbiting spacecraft to penetrate the hidden recesses of Mars, planetary prospectors have uncovered vast reserves of water-ice buried beneath rocky debris.
