Search Results for: antarctica

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1,385 results
  1. Earth

    Ice drilling nets shrimpy surprise

    Underwater camera captures an Antarctic crustacean, as a serendipitous part of a larger ice shelf study.

  2. Alpine Antarctica, before the ice

    A new survey may have unveiled the birthplace of the world’s largest ice sheet.

  3. Earth

    Warming is accelerating global water cycle

    Fresh water evaporates from the oceans, rains out over land and then runs back into the seas. A new study finds evidence that global warming has been speeding up this hydrological cycle recently, a change that could lead to more violent storms. It could also alter where precipitation falls — drying temperate areas, those places where most people now live.

  4. Earth

    Arctic lake yields climate record

    A Siberian drilling project goes to great lengths to capture an ancient climate record in a 3.6 million-year-old crater.

  5. Life

    Marine census still counting new life-forms

    The Gulf of Mexico ranked among the top five marine regions for number of known species.

  6. Earth

    Mining the maritime past for clues to climate’s future

    Researchers collect data through a mashup of 19th century ship records and 21st century crowdsourcing.

  7. Life

    Massive count a drop in the bucket

    As the decade-long Census of Marine Life totes up thousands of new species, it leaves much yet to discover in the world’s oceans.

  8. Melting at the microscale

    Studying sea ice close-up may improve climate models.

  9. Earth

    Gravity lows mark burial sites of ancient tectonic plates

    Dips in Earth's gravitational field are tied to 'slab graveyards'

  10. Earth

    Antarctica is getting warmer too

    Satellite data show most of the continent is following worldwide trend.

  11. The final climate frontiers

    Scientists aim to improve and localize their predictions.

  12. Letters

    Plan for a long stay Lawrence Krauss’ idea of staying permanently on Mars (SN: 10/10/09, p.4) is fascinating, but criticism by John F. Fay and Jeffry Mueller (Feedback, SN: 11/21/09 p.29) missed important information. Krauss too missed the best of all scientific comparisons. Regarding the travel to the American continent by the Pilgrims: the “capital […]
