Search Results for: antarctica

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1,385 results
  1. Science & Society

    Science slowdown

    The recent federal government shutdown, which furloughed more than 800,000 government workers and may have cost the nation as much as $24 billion, has sent ripples through the nation’s scientific research enterprise.

  2. Animals

    Tibet may be ancient home of big cats

    A recently discovered fossil skull and teeth suggest that the ancestor of all big cats lived in what's now Tibet.

  3. Animals

    Penguin huddles move like traffic jams

    When one emperor penguin takes a step, he sets off a wave of movement.

  4. Oceans

    Life found deep below Antarctic ice

    Lake buried under 800 meters of ice hosts cells, researchers find.

  5. Animals

    Eight ways that animals survive the winter

    Migrating to a warmer place is just the start when it comes to finding ways to stay toasty as temperatures drop.

  6. Letters to the editor

    Invertebrate enigmas I found the recent article “Evolutionary enigmas” (SN: 5/18/13, p. 20) fascinating because I know of another example of an invertebrate animal possessing a “strictly vertebrate” quality. As a high school human anatomy and physiology teacher, I sometimes have my students test the effects of the constituents in cigarette smoke on live Daphnia […]

  7. Earth

    Canada’s ice shrinking rapidly

    Melt from Arctic Archipelago will raise sea levels by 3.5 centimeters.

  8. Earth

    Shrinking polar ice caused one-fifth of sea level rise

    Comprehensive analysis quantifies ice sheet loss in Greenland and Antarctica.

  9. Tech

    Reader favorites of 2013

    For this issue, the editors selected the 25 most important and intriguing science stories of the year. But online readers seemed to point to a different bunch, showing just how subjective such an exercise can be.

  10. Earth

    Antarctic subglacial drilling effort suspended

    A British-led team has called off this season’s campaign to penetrate Lake Ellsworth.

  11. Physics

    As Erebus Lives and Breathes

    The Antarctica volcano’s long-lived lava lake coughs up clues to the physiology of volcanoes .

  12. Earth

    Poles apart, the Arctic and Antarctic exhibit very different records for sea ice
